Week of September 29, 2024

"God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called."

Baptism Sundays: On September 29 (this Sunday) and October 27 we will celebrate a total of four baptisms in our Sunday morning services! If you are interested in finding out more about baptism (or even if you just have some questions) speak to or email Pastor Chris.
Fall Fest 2024:  Thanks to all who organized, assisted, and who came to Etna last Saturday for our fourth annual Fall Fest!  By all accounts, the atmosphere was great, and it was an enjoyable afternoon for all!  Pastor Chris reports that an estimated 150 to 200 people joined us, including many new faces.  We're called to be a beacon to our neighbors; events like the Fall Fest are part of our response to that call.
Bible Project:   Thanks to all who've contributed to fund the purchase of NLT Study Bibles for our church to share with those who would like one.   Your generous response has been overwhelming!    This is an exciting and (we think) unique adjunct to our ministry.  More study Bibles will be on the way to us soon.  Contact Pastor Chris if you have questions – or if you'd like to have one.   We'll continue to accept with gratitude contributions to fund the purchase of additional copies.  Please designate your contrubition to go to the "Bible Project".
Alpha is back:  Curious about "the faith", or just curious about the big questions of life?  Alpha is meant for you!  Our next Alpha session begins Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:30 pm. This time around, we're offering both in-person and on-line access.   Click here for more information and to register.
Mission Committee Update:  We're happy to provide the latest quarterly update from missionaries Tim and Marketa Southerland. Please click here to see the Southerlands'  September update. We ask you to continue to pray for the growth of their mission. 

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.  – Joshua 1:8 (NLT)

Bible Discussions:  The image above is "inspiring", but the Bible's primary purpose isn't to be looked at, it's to be read!   We currently offer two weekly opportunities to spend time with the Scriptures and with friends!   On Wednesday mornings at 10 am in Trumbull Hall (Etna), join Pastor Chris for deep and lively discussions sparked by the previous Sunday's sermon.
On Sunday mornings at 9 am (also in Trumbull Hall), we're reading and discussing Hebrews. 
Both discussion series include coffee and time slot-appropriate snacks. Interesting and stimulating conversation is guaranteed. We look forward to seeing you at either or both!
Fall Etna Ladies Aid Rummage Sale: The Fall Etna Ladies Aid Rummage Sale is this Friday, September 27, noon to 6 pm and Saturday, September 28, 9 am to 1 pm in Trumbull Hall, Etna.   Be there. Aloha. ;) 
The Choir Is Back!  Choir rehearsals have started, with Karen Burgess directing. Our first Sunday singing will be October 6. Anyone who loves singing is welcome to join!
Chicken Pie Supper: Planning for the annual Chicken Pie Supper in Hanover Center is underway! This year's supper will be Saturday, Oct 26, from 4:30 to 6 pm.  Again this year, the event will be take out. Reservations are a must - contact Elaine Hawthorne.

We are looking for 6 volunteers to help on the day of the event from 10 am to noon and also for 4 volunteers to clean up from 6 to 7 pm. We also need a few more apple pie makers. There will be a sign-up sheet for apple pie baking on the Etna Church bulletin board soon, or just let Elaine Hawthorne know! Volunteers to help should reach out to Elaine, Dina Cutting, or Jane Rice.
Thank you for your attention and support!

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